Fitness Tips

Exercises To Enhance Your Core Strength

What’s better than performing the exercises regularly? Well, doing them accurately!

According to the latest report of Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, November 2017, 2.6% of the total disease burden in Australia (using 2011 data) was due to physical inactivity. It’s never too late to start exercising and at the same time, knowing how to utilise the maximum potential is equally essential. To accomplish this, you have to begin undeviatingly. And for that, all you need to do is – enhance your core muscular strength!

The core is located in the centre of your body and includes your abs, back, hips and chest. Your core stabilises the body, letting you to move in any direction while remaining balanced. It protects your body and prevents falls. Having a strong core is therefore advantageous to everyone because it allows the body to function perfectly.

What are the core muscles?

Core muscle group includes –

Major core muscles: Pelvic floor muscles, internal and external obliques, transversus abdominis, multifidus, rectus abdominis, sacrospinalis (especially the longissimus thoracis), and the diaphragm.

Minor core muscles: The gluteus maximus, latissimus dorsi, and the trapezius muscles.

The thumb rule that applies to all the core exercises it that you need to keep the abs tight and tensed. Also, don’t forget to identify your limits before exerting yourself beyond a point.

Advantages of core strengthening:

Strengthening the core muscles benefit us by promoting the overall body stamina and endurance to perform exercises with ease and efficacy. By emphasising the core, you become less susceptible to injuries, poor posture, early fatigue and muscle injuries. If you want to live a healthy life, focus on the core of your body.

The best moves to building a strong core:

Plank/plank variations: Planks are most suited to the beginners, and it only gets easier to extend your limits with practice.

The plank can be made more stringent by actively creating tension in the muscles, almost making the body tremble (Russian Kettlebell Challenge Plank).

Three-point plank, a modification of the standard plank that is accomplished by moving one point of contact from the floor.

Another variant of plank, side plank, is more adapted to build the smaller muscle groups and is more challenging. One can begin with10 seconds on each side and advance.

Reverse Crunches: Just the reverse of the regular crunches, reverse crunches are beneficial in toughening the core muscles, improving the posture and achieving permanent weight loss. It is also a great ways to shred body fat without losing muscles.

TRX Fallouts: If like many others you’re not a fan of using external weights for workouts, rest assured TRX is the best option for you. Leveraging gravity and user’s body weight to perform the exercises, TRX suspension training is a form of suspension training that aims at improving your strength, balance, flexibility and core stability.

Dead Bug: A dead bug when done with precision, accuracy and complete control, essentially becomes your go-to move for building a sound core. Just don’t forget to keep your core taut and braced throughout the exercise.

Hanging Leg Raises: Ideally performed using a bar to hang on to, leg raises can also be done in a children’s park. All you need to know is that you may initially struggle through it, so it’s better to begin by bending your leg and raising knees to the chest and progress. It’s imperative to control the motion and not let the legs swing through the exercise.

While you’re incorporating these fantastic core strengthening exercises to your daily regime, don’t overlook the importance of diet in achieving the perfectly toned body you’ve been targeting.

Core strength is essential throughout life. It stabilises your entire body and improves your posture and balance, all of which can help you avoid falls, reduce back pain, and stay mobile as you age.

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